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Data on a Touch Pad
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Analysts are facing more pressure than ever to deliver timely, accurate insight back to the business. Learn about what's preventing them from delivering on this essential practice.

It's likely that either you (as an analyst) or your analytics teams are dealing with common issues as the result of how data is used within the modern enterprise. Read more about the main challenges this role faces and about how Process Tempo can help solve those challenges with ease.

  • Lack of Collaboration Around Data

  • Too Much Data, And It's Growing

  • Poorly Defined or Inaccurate Data

  • Skill Gaps

  • Inability to Manage Multiple Projects

Problem: Lack of Collaboration Around Data




Process Tempo allows multiple users to search, discover and explore data providing a much more robust alternative to Excel spreadsheets.

  • Data is much more transparent and easier to access

  • The lineage of the data is much easier to understand (how old is it? Where did it come from?)

  • Fewer errors

  • Less manual effort

  • Greater consistency and greater reuse

Leadership frowns upon the overuse of spreadsheets as they are not only error-prone and require manual efforts, they can also be a security risk.

  • "My colleague and I have two different versions of the same spreadsheet. Which one is correct?"


  • "The compliance team was sent out to collect data from the business. Everyone used a spreadsheet to store the information they collected. When we came back together a few weeks later we realized the entire exercise was a waste of time. Our methods, our data and the structure of the data was vastly different across the board. There was no consistency. We should have collaborated on this first."

Lack of Collab

Problem: Too Much Data, and It's Growing


The growth in available data creates a massive challenge for those whose job it is to make use of this data for decision making. The more data the greater the complexity. The greater the complexity, the greater the effort to turn data into insight. Process Tempo solves this problem by making data easier to understand, organize and discover.


With data easier to understand, users such as Business Analysts can find what they are looking for much faster. With data easier to understand and discover, less time is spent on searching for data that can be used to solve a particular problem and less time is spent on converting this data into something usable.


Business Analysts are often frustrated by the challenge of finding data that they need to solve a particular problem. Does this data even exist? How difficult is it to access? How much of a challenge would it be to transform into something usable? In many cases, their reputation is on the line when the boss expects a fast response. They often do not appreciate the effort the analysts must put in to address their requests. A slow response can be career-limiting!

Problem: Too Much Data And It's Growing


The growth in available data creates a massive challenge for those whose job it is to make use of this data for decision making. The more data the greater the complexity. The greater the complexity, the greater the effort to turn data into insight. Process Tempo solves this problem by making data easier to understand, organize and discover.



With data easier to understand, users such as Business Analysts can find what they are looking for much faster. With data easier to understand and discover, less time is spent on searching for data that can be used to solve a particular problem and less time is spent on converting this data into something usable.

Business Analysts are often frustrated by the challenge of finding data that they need to solve a particular problem. Does this data even exist? How difficult is it to access? How much of a challenge would it be to transform into something usable? In many cases their reputation is on the line when the boss expects a fast response. They often do not appreciate the effort the analysts must put in to address their requests. A slow response can be career limiting!

Too much data

Problem: Poorly Defined or Inaccurate Data




Process Tempo's easy and fast data modeling allows for quick creation of data models to house data, then using the array of data connectors to different data sources that allow teams to connect to their data and create the relationships to the newly created data and fill in the gaps.

  • Empowering teams to build the reports they need in less cycles and not having to wait for the IT Department to develop the solutions needed

  • Quick prototyping and development MVPs for POCs

  • Flexibility to change the data models to design and build out the accurate data needed.

  •  Analysts gain the ability to report out accurately on their data.

  • They can get things done in an automated way, no more manual excels to fill in the gaps. 

  • Reduces the urgency and demand on the IT Department having fast and reliable interim solutions

Bonus: These are some comments users have made about how PT has helped:

  • "We update the data monthly because we clean and massage the data manually. Now, we can update the data more regularly as the manual effort is significantly reduced!"

  • "The single source of truth is in an HR system that our team doesn't have access to. We need another single source of truth. It's the only way to go until we get the access we need." 

  • The API that we need is in the IT Department's backlog and is estimated to be built in about 6 months. We can do it in Process Tempo as a temporary solution."

Inaccurate data

Problem: Skill Gaps



With Process Tempo's visual user interface allows for understanding the structure of the data, the flow of data the import models, allows for exploring data in a matter of seconds, creating reports and dashboards using dragging and dropping 

  • No coding skills needed

  • No database skill needed

  • No extra tools needed

  • Just clicking, dragging and dropping, joining nodes


Allows for more people to access the data they need bridging the skill gap.

skill gaps

Problem: Inability to Manage Multiple Projects




With Process Tempo's MAaaS offering scaling analytics projects is a breeze. The Process Tempo team with their Data modeling methodology and backed by a simple and streamlined Data Warehouse platform, multiple analytics projects can be built upon at the same time.

  • More progress

  • Less stress for in house teams to deliver 

  • Prototyping and POC are less risky or distracts in house team

  • Interim solutions to solve temporary problems

  • Filling the gaps

  • Better and faster data to make smarter decisions

inability to manage
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